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Estacionamentos têm um alto custo para todos, não só pra quem dirige. Cidades mais democráticas têm espaços públicos bem aproveitados e acessíveis. Parece paradoxal, mas quanto menos estacionamentos, menos congestionamentos. Nesta segunda edição, o Concurso As Cidades Somos Nós estimula estudantes e profissionais juniores a repensarem os usos de áreas atualmente dedicadas a estacionamento no Centro de Belo Horizonte. Saiba mais sobre o Mobilize 2018.
Farewell Papirøen, hello Nordhavn! Park where you want outside our new Nordhavn office. For the last four years Copenhagenize Design Company. As always, our doors are open, so shoot us.
De bicicleta, 1 ano de ciclovia na Av. Há quase um ano era inaugurada a ciclovia da Av. Paulista, no canteiro central. Quem me conhece, sabe que perdi.
5 design proposals for the Woodstock and Salt River affordable housing sites.
Educação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo, Paisagismo, Design e Desenho Universal. XIII Encontro Científico e de Iniciação Científica Anhembi Morumbi. QUANDO E ONDE ACONTECEU O ENCONTRO. 02 de dezembro de 2017. Programa de Mestrado Profissional FIAM-FAAM.
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. 8 Poin Panduan dan Rekomendasi Kebijakan Transportasi Berkelanjutan di DKI Jakarta. Lokakarya Pengembangan Kapasitas NMT dan Desain Jalan di Jakarta, Indonesia.
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy. Promoting sustainable and equitable transportation worldwide. Nominate Your City for the 2019 Sustainable Transport Award. ITDP Announces MOBILIZE Dar es Salaam Keynote Speaker Christian Benimana. Momentum Grows for Bus Improvements, BRT in Boston.
Instituto de Políticas para el Transporte y el Desarrollo. Reducción del uso del automóvil. ITDP México da la bienvenida a Rodrigo Díaz como Director de Investigación y Desarrollo. Marianely Patlán, colaboradora de ITDP una de las diez ganadoras del programa de Women4Climate C40. Promueve ITDP seguridad vial en entornos escolares. Lanza ITDP 3ª edición del Estándar DOT. El Instituto de Políticas para el Transporte y el Desarrollo.
This will be as well a short update,. What has happened in this period in Athens? Riots, shooting, teargass, fire. Work, work, work.
Which truth? That we destroyed ourselves due to our self-imposed stupidity. What other forms of life? Since we are so stupid the impossibility of another kind of life, cleverer, more ethical, and more just is our only hope. Are you alone? We are a few crazy people in a lunatic world. Thursday, March 12, 2009. Αφιερώνουμε το χτύπημά μας στον αναρχι.
Het land van de hypocrisie. Hypocrisie is iets dat je veel tegenkomt in de moslimwereld, vooral dan op het gebied van het toepassen van de Islam in het hedendaags leven. De Verenigde Arabische Emiraten is één van de landen dat de meeste hypocrisie kent. Het lijkt op het eerste gezicht het meest westerse land van alle moslimlanden, maar is juist door die onderliggende hypocrisie misschien wel één van de meer strikte moslimlanden.
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It has been a while, I think, Gaetan said. I arrived well in Belgium, by bike, after 80 hours biking and after being on the road for 2 weeks. It was a great trip, I enjoyed crossing countries, the changing of nature, the friendly people, the adventure,. Pictures now uploaded! It was wonderfull. and the desillusion was maybe even bigger like that. Things do not really change, but they also change a lot.